

In the Google tree map chart, each row in the data table describes one node (a rectangle in the graph). Each node (except the root node) has one or more parent nodes. Each node is sized and colored according to its values relative to the other nodes currently shown. (see the doc of Google)

Data format

The data table should have four columns in the following format:

Column Type Description
0 string An ID for this node. It can be any a string, including spaces, and any length that a string can hold. This value is displayed as the node header.
1 string or UNDEF The ID of the parent node. If this is a root node, leave this UNDEF. Only one root is allowed per treemap.
2 Number The size of the node. Any positive value is allowed. This value determines the size of the node, computed relative to all other nodes currently shown. For non-leaf nodes, this value is ignored and calculated from the size of all its children.
3 Number, optional An optional value used to calculate a color for this node. Any value, positive or negative, is allowed. The color value is first recomputed on a scale from minColorValue to maxColorValue, and then the node is assigned a color from the gradient between minColor and maxColor.

Chart options

Each option is separated by a '|' or '!' (for Mediawiki).

Name Default Description
width 100% Chart width
height Chart height
Others... You can use the configuration options of Google. See the doc


With title and legend

Options : title=minColor=#f00|midColor=#ddd|maxColor=#0d0|headerHeight=15|fontColor=black|showScale=true